The Coastal Design Balance in Annapolis

I haven’t blogged in a while. We have, luckily, been very busy with our design projects.
But, when Megan, SeDell and Leeann put together this beautiful vignette in the store, I was inspired to take to the internet and dissect and interpret their creative results with our new furniture arrivals. Three great designers, in their own right, they worked so well together as they brainstormed, arranged and set up the perfect example of what we all strive for in our own homes, ” Balance”.
I love the “Easy Breezy” , relaxed look of this compilation. It has a “Coastal Flair” without the port holes and anchors! The vignette has the calming color scheme of gray, cream and navy, which is a very soothing palette. It has mixed media, worn driftwood finish, nubby textured pillows, natural wood, metal finishes, geometric patterned rug, pottery and ceramic textured surfaces, and whimsical art of pesky sea gulls to tie it all together. By mixing all of these elements, the texture against the smooth, the light against the dark, and the hard against the soft, one has the “Balance” that I have been talking about. It has the effortless look, as if it had been put together over a period of time, not just one day. It looks like it evolved with favorite touches of pottery, lamps and accessory pieces that have been purchased over the years and moved about from room to room.
Instant gratification seems to be the desire of a lot of people lately, however, we don’t want our inner sanctums to look as if it was just dumped off a furniture store truck. That type of interior design is only ever published in the newspaper sales flyers not Architectural Digest.
I want to commend the trio for their natural abilities and talents. I stood in front of this display in our store for quite a bit of time when I first saw it. I was just taking it all in. The vignette looks as if it could be the start of a family room by adding a creamy colored sectional to the grouping or even a guest bedroom by adding a queen size bed to the mix. I hope the three have inspired you to pay a visit to our store. We love our jobs and really appreciate our audience and clients.