Baltimore Sun Covers the Baltimore Symphony Showhouse at Ritz Carlton!

Dennis Hockman from the Baltimore Sun Newspaper covered the Baltimore Symphony Showhouse and it hit the stands today on the first day it was open to the public. He wrote a wonderful story highlighting the same floorplan of the 2 Living Rooms in the show house on the front page of the Style section. Fitzsimmons Design had the half page from the crease in the paper, up. It was great coverage.
Jennifer Naperlaski from Fitzsimmons Design said, ” It was so wonderful to work the room today. A number of people came to see the show house because they saw the story in the Style section this morning as they were eating their breakfast. We have sold several pieces in our room to benefit the Symphony today.” Many people may not know this but, everything in the Show House is for sale. A Homeowner can literally drive down to the showhouse and pick out a room and buy it! Jennifer also reported in that we had great traffic. I hope that you will come to the showhouse tomorrow on Mother’s day. I will be in the room personally and will be able to chit chat about the features of our room. I look for ward to meeting you!
Gina Fitzsimmons ASID